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Training & Inflammation

Previous research has shown that people who train twice a day run a high risk of overtraining. Training too often produces high amounts of the chemicals that tear down muscle tissue and cause inflammation.

How to prevent overtraining has always been somewhat of a mystery. However, scientists from Appalachian State University now attribute overtraining to a chronic whole body inflammation response.

Intense exercise (weightlifting and aerobic training) causes small, micro injuries to joints, muscles and blood vessels. In response to this, the body releases stress chemicals that promote the healing process. Some people train too long or too often, and they don’t give their bodies with enough rest and quality nutrition. Their bodies continue to release these stress chemicals. This constant elevation in stress hormones creates a metabolism that makes it impossible to see improvements.

The harder you exercise, the more recovery time you need between bouts. Taking an excessive approach to exercise is a sure method for plateaus and poor results.

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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