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Inspirational Simon Tetley

From Tradie to a masterful Transformation, Simon shares his tips and insights. 

A carpenter by trade, Simon took it too a very high end, being renown for working on homes worth tens of millions of dollars.  However, Simon had adopted the 'tradies lifesyle' of smoking, drinking and eating what ever was convenient, "I looked and felt sluggish,” he said.

My snap point come from an unlikely place and situation - a visit to my grandmother in Melbourne and I was in the absolute worst shape of my life, he admitted.

I remembered my late grandma’s wise words when she said, Simon, the most important thing in your life is your health. She was right and I knew I needed to make a change. 

And as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, Once you make a decision and commit to it, the universe conspires to make it happen...

Simon was with some friends in Australia who started talking about the TCB Transformation Challenge they were involved in. Simon thought this sounded like what he needed, subscribed to the TCB site and enrolled himself in the transformation. He soon realized he was undertaking a complete re-education on how to look after your number one asset, your health!

Simon learned so much as a client, he wanted to become a coach. Too his credit, Simon has enrolled and completed all our Transformation Course levels Today Simon works as an amazing Coach in his studio in British Columbia, Canada. 
I still face all the challenges many busy people do,  managing food preparation, time management, identifying and replacing bad habits. That's why I always come back to Shar's Transformation Cookbook. The tcb solves so many problems, for me and my clients, Simon said. 

Simon is now a fitness leader in his community in Vancouver, where his Transformation Studio is based.

It’s incredibly easy to sacrifice workouts for so many reasons. You’re tired, you’re having friends over, you have to work late, etc. When I really thought about it, going to the gym would only take 1 hour out of my day, including travel time. I realized it was only a small fraction of my day and that it was easy to balance this with the rest of my life. Staying on track with workouts makes it easier to stay on track with you food as well.

“I was a high-end carpenter,” Simon said, “I use to work on homes worth up to 50 million dollars and the attention to detail was incredible. To achieve the amazing results, the devil is in the detail, I think the same goes for our own body."

"People often think they can go to the gym, throw around a few weights and after a few weeks you look good or even great. When it doesn't happen people seem to make one of two choices... The first is they just give up and settle for the status Quo and get a little chubbier every year even though they exercise regularly...."

The second choice is to accept what you're doing isn't working and seek the support and community you need to help you, explained Simon.

Simon's Transformation Tips

1. The key is not too implement too much information too soon. There is certain aspects you need to focus on first before anything else such as creating the right food proximity environment. Only then can you focus on meal frequency and construction. Then come the finer details. 

2. Use the Transformation Cookbook to take all the confusion and stress out of what to eat and how to ensure better choices are available at the right time. Shar's meal prep video series taught me how easy it can be. 

3. Be consistent, not perfect.  In our society we are used to instant gratification. The thing about ‘instant’ is that it doesn't usually last. It takes time to replace bad habits, identify triggers and know what to do when you find yourself in different environments. 

Success really is a journey not a destination. Learning is great but applying and making lots of mistakes is even more important. When you have a great support network you learn quickly.

FOLLOW Dr Paul Cribb PhD.



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