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Inspirational Kaycee Atze

I didn't want to take photos, how mortifying. Now taking the photos has been the biggest motivating factor for me....

Yes, I was overwhelmed, “where do I start?” 

So I started small, improving one meal at a time then two meals, then a day....

I selected one meal from The Transformation Cookbook and just gradually increased from there. As I built up my meals and my workout days, I learnt about plateaus and invisible success and how to deal with external influences.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to get on track just take a deep breath and start small as I did. Concentrate on the things you can control. I created a great team around me. I have great coaches that I am accountable to, a program to follow that I know works and a ton of support.

When I started on my first program I was only just beginning to learn about goal setting and its importance, my goals weren't as clear as they should have been. My 3rd program saw my goals change dramatically. So my point is take the pressure off yourself, it will take time to become clear. You will learn more and more about yourself, what is important and how you will get there.

My fear of failure is what had prevented me from starting as I don't cope well with failure and I didn't want to let anyone down, especially myself. I have realised that my problem has actually always been psychological not even really about the food. I have identified habits I didn't know I had that where holding me back. As a result I am eating more than I ever have and loving the way I live. 

FOLLOW Dr Paul Cribb PhD.



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